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Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Vendors

The purpose of this page is to display technical information related to OASIS Software (JHAVEN). Vendors can also register to receive CMS software and system updates.

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News & Updates

Dec 14, 2016

CMS received approval on Friday December 9, 2016 for the OASIS-C2 form. Effective January 1, 2017,…

Jul 21, 2016

A modification is being included in the October update (v5216) that may require action from your…

Apr 14, 2016

Preview reports for the Quality of Patient Care star ratings that will be posted in July 2016 are…

Dec 14, 2015

The Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) Grouper v5116 is available for download at http…

Nov 25, 2015

Per the previously posted 11/9/15 QTSO post entitled "Potential Home Health Assessments HIPPS Score…