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Minimum Data Set (MDS) Vendors

The purpose of this page is to display technical information related to MDS Software (JRAVEN). Vendors can also register to receive CMS software and system updates. Information on Section S can be found by accessing the Reference & Manuals tab.

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News & Updates

Apr 18, 2018

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) providers were notified by CMS April 13, 2018, that the SNF QRP…

Feb 01, 2018

A calculation error has been identified for the three assessment-based quality measures reported on…

Jan 31, 2018

The reports and report package in the MDS 3.0 QM Reports category are now available for your use.…

Oct 06, 2017

The Data Specifications for the PBJ Administration Submission File have been added to V3.00.00 of…

May 16, 2017

To better secure our applications, QIES security will require each user to successfully login every…