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Notice: 5 Star Preview Reports - July 2024

Jul 23, 2024

The Five Star Preview Reports will be available on or around July 24, 2024. Provider Preview Reports have moved to iQIES as of August 2023. Please follow the steps below to locate the Provider Preview Report in iQIES:

1) Log into iQIES at using your Health Care Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) Access Roles and Profile (HARP) user ID and password.

2) Select the My Reports option from the Reports menu.

3) From the My Reports page, locate the Provider Preview Reports folder.

Nursing Home Care Compare will update with the May Five Star data on or around July 31, 2024.

Important Note: The 5 Star Help line (800-839-9290) will be available July 29 through August 9, 2024.

Contact the iQIES Service Center via email (iQIES@CMS.HHS.GOV) or by phone (800-339-9313) if assistance to log into iQIES or to locate the Provider Preview Reports is required.

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