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iQIES for Minimum Data Set (MDS) Submissions on April 17, 2023

Mar 02, 2023

CMS is excited to announce that the transition of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) submission to the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) will occur on Monday, April 17, 2023.

To prepare for this release, all state configurations made in the legacy QIES MDS DMS application will be migrated into the new iQIES platform on March 13, 2023. Any changes to the state configurations in the MDS DMS application on or after March 13, 2023 will not be reflected in the new iQIES platform when MDS is transitioned on April 17, 2023. Please be aware that users will continue to have access and make edits within the DMS, but changes to the state configurations should NOT be made in the MDS DMS application on or after March 13, 2023. A specific list of pages and functionality impacted by this data migration are noted below:

Pages and Functionality Impacted by Data Migration on March 13, 2023:

1)  State Processing Options (under the Configuration Items menu)

  • Allows states to customize certain processing options, for example, select if they want to evaluate a Medicaid RUG, collect PDPM on OBRAs, require state only submissions, or prohibit certain ICD-10 codes.

2)  Medicaid RUG/PDPM Options (under the Configuration Items menu)

  • Allows states to configure parameters that control the calculation of the State Medicaid RUG and PDPM categories for OBRA assessments.

3)  ICD-10 Options (under the Configuration Items menu)

  • Allows states to identify specific ICD-10 codes to be prohibited from collection.

4)  Resource Utilization Groups (under the Utilities menu)

  • Allows states to customize state Medicaid RUGS by selecting from a list of CMI Set codes available/defaulted.

Any changes made to these options within the MDS DMS application after March 13, 2023 will not be reflected in the new iQIES platform. However, these options will be available for configuration in iQIES once MDS is released on April 17, 2023.

Other MDS DMS functionality, like the ability to perform Merge/Split and insert a resident, and query for submitted assessments will remain effective up until April 13, 2023 8:00 p.m. ET.

If you have any questions, please contact the QTSO Help Desk at or (888) 477-7876.


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