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UserID - Password Information

User ID / Password Information

Network Login ID – ID that allows user to get into their local network system. The login ID is also used for setting up security groupings.

The network administrator assigns access to the network.

Oracle Login ID – ID that allows user to get into the Oracle database. Usually assigned by the Oracle database administrator or security administrator.

ASPEN Login ID – Network ID that allows user access into the ASPEN software. ASPEN looks at the Network ID and sets up the security settings that have been set by the system administrator.

Mainframe Login ID – ID that allows user to get into the mainframe environment. This ID is generally assigned by the CMS RACF Administrator.

QTSO ID – User ID that allows user to enter the secured portion of the QTSO website 

The User ID and Password must be requested by the State Technical Point of Contact through the QTSO Help Desk.

MDS Facility ID – Identifies a facility in the CMS system to their state and is usually assigned by the State MDS Automation Coordinator.

Login ID – Allows a facility to connect to the CMS system in their state in order to submit data and receive reports. Note: In some states the Facility ID and Login ID may be identical. The state administrator uses the ASPEN software to assign this ID.

Swing Bed Provider Internal Number - Identifies a facility in the CMS system and is assigned by the QTSO Help Desk. This corresponds to the facility ID that was included in the registration packet. Login ID – Allows a Swing Bed user to connect to the NACD system in order to submit data and receive reports. Requests for Swing Bed user access should be directed to the QTSO Help Desk. A letter is returned notifying the user of their assigned ID and password.

Swing Bed Viewer ID – Allows state personnel to access the Swing Bed Viewer to view Swing Bed submission data. For access, fill out and submit the QIES National Data Access Request Form.

HHA Agency ID - Identifies an agency in the CMS system in their state and is usually assigned by the State OASIS Coordinator. Login ID – Allows an agency to connect to the CMS system in their state in order to submit data and receive reports. Note: In some states the Agency ID and Login ID may be identical. The state administrator using ASPEN software assigns the password.

MDS Data Management System

Login ID: ORACLE login ID of the user accessing the DMS. The state Oracle Administrator assigns a User ID with roles to access the MDS DMS table.

OASIS Data Management System Login: ORACLE login ID of the user accessing the DMS. The state Oracle Administrator will assign a User ID with roles to access the OASIS DMS table.

RAVEN Software User ID – Identifies the user using RAVEN software. The designated system administrators at the LTC Facility usually assign the User IDs and Passwords.

RAVEN Swing Bed Software User ID – Identifies the user using RAVEN software. The designated system administrators at the LTC Facility usually assign the User IDs and Passwords.

HAVEN Software User ID – Identifies the user using HAVEN software. The designated system administrators at the Home Health Agency usually assign the User IDs and Passwords. Note: Some off-the-shelf software may or may not require a User ID and password to access their software.

IRF-PAI Facility ID – This ID will allow you to connect to the CMS national assessment collection system for IRF-PAI submission. The QTSO Help Desk assigns the ID and password.

IRVEN Software User ID – Identifies the user using IRVEN software. The designated system administrators at the Home Health Agency usually assign the User IDs and Passwords. Note: Some off-the-shelf software may or may not require a User ID and password to access their software.

CASPER Reporting

(MDS, HHA Data)
 User ID & Password for Agency – This will be the same User ID and Password used to submit assessment data. The User IDs & Passwords for State and RO personnel are obtained by submitting a QIES National Data Request to the Regional Office. The Regional Office approves these requests and forwards a list to CMS for coordination in processing. All applicants are notified by phone with their access information. Providers access their data through the state welcome page and CMS and State Agencies access through the QIES to Success website.

MDS State QI User ID and Password – State personnel should contact their State Technical POC to request a User ID and Password. Regional personnel should complete a QIES Data Request. The authorized request should be forwarded to Julie Ventura at CMS (

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